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Individual Research Project - Output Design, 2020

For this project I was tasked to create an output design based on what my individual research project was on. My title was 'An Investigation into the methods and techniques used to create a distressing atmosphere in horror games'. From here my task was to create an distressing atmosphere by looking at the techniques I wrote about in the paper I produced. 

I created all assets in 3ds Max, Textured using Substance Painter, put into Unreal Engine 4 and FMOD for the audio. For some of the smaller details like the paintings Photoshop was used.

This was some of the inital planning created to help me better understand what I was to produce. Thoughout the playtesting stage the decision to differ from the inital plans to create more corridors was made to help build the tension to the atmosphere.

Below are some of the textured objects that made up the environment. View in fullscreen for best results.

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